Psychz - Rahul
Votes: 0Posted On: Oct 08, 2017 22:37:33
Docker is largely an app delivery platform as compared to LXC that allowed you a complete Linux environment.
Based on LXC, it used LXC containers as a base to abstract the container away to a single app.
On the other hand, LXD by Canonical is a daemon that exports a RESTful API locally over a unix socket and on the network using https. This will be used by the OpenStack plugin and a standalone application.
LXD makes use of the unprivileged containers by default. Unprivileged containers are an important new feature of LXC that lets non-root users run containers. They provide more isolation and security than normal LXC containers and pave way for multi-tenant workloads and other use cases that require more locked down environments.
For users, it basically boils down to how you want to use containers, as a lightweight easy to use alternative to virtualization, or as a single app delivery platform. Given more than 80% of currently Linux virtualization workloads can easily move to containers, caveats and all, with LXD it seems clear where the potential of containers lies.