Psychz - Nikhil
Votes: 0Posted On: Dec 15, 2017 05:36:07
How is docker container different from a regular VM (virtual machine)?
Container technology is becoming highly popular these days and more and more companies are switching to it. In the following discussion, we will talk about how containers are more useful and handy as compared to Virtual machines (VM). But having said that, it does not mean that Virtual machines are going out of date. They are not.
So how are Container (Docker) different from Virtual Machines VM?
Docker is a container technology which is highly popular these days in cloud and data center game. This is simply because a container can pack a lot more applications into a single physical server as compared to a VM Virtual Machine.
A Virtual Machine usually takes a lot of resource by running a complete copy of an operating system and all the hardware that is required to run an OS.
On the other hand, a container runs only part of operating system that is required along with required programs and libraries. So it basically runs the system with optimal resources. So in practicality, you can actually put upto three times the applications on a single server using containers than you can with Virtual Machine.
The Developer community is gaining a lot from the container technology because it provides super flexibility to run apps over containers and then deploying anywhere (Cloud or on-premise or any flavor of Linux).
Whereas, to work in a heterogeneous environment, Virtual Machines provide high flexibility. Docker containers’ prime focus is on applications and their dependencies.