Psychz - Anup
Votes: 0 Posted On: Jun 09, 2017 06:15:00
TCP DDoS protection basically means the protection against DDoS attacks which focus on attack by TCP packets. The most common among them are the SYN flood attacks. In this type of attacks, SYN requests are flooded onto the server. The server interprets this as genuine requests and the server load increases as the requests flood on the server.
We, at Psychz, make use of advanced DDoS mitigation techniques and traffic monitoring. The first step of DDoS mitigation process is to identify the layer at which attack is taking place. TCP attack falls under the transport layer or layer 5 of the OSI model. Once, it is established that the attack is a TCP-based attack, the TCP traffic is analyzed thoroughly.
The next step is to filter the traffic to distinguish between dirty and clean traffic. It is a very uphill task to distinguish between the dirty and clean traffic as all the packets are TCP requests. The traffic has to be supervised closely to identify traffic patterns.
After the traffic has been segregated, we process your traffic through multiple levels of scrubbing before it reaches your server.
Please go to our page to view the advanced DDoS techniques we use to keep you safe from attacks.
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