Psychz - Sharad
Votes: 0Posted On: Apr 10, 2017 06:36:09
Imagine you are trying to access a website through your web browser. How does the browser reach the website? At the machine level the devices identify each other through physical addressing and logical addressing only, that is the MAC address and the IP address only. These addresses are in number format. Trying to remember all these addresses could be a tedious task. The Domain Name System (DNS) was created to resolve this issue. Every website was divided into specific domains in accordance with a well-defined nomenclature. The names of the websites were mapped with their IP addresses. The web browser is an application that helps you to access the website by sending a request to the DNS server which in turn maps the website name to its IP address.
The error “err_name_not_resolved” occurs most commonly in Google Chrome web browser when the DNS server is not able to resolve the website name. Some reasons for the occurrence of this error are listed below.
- The DNS block is not able to resolve the website name.
- Incorrect network connection configuration.
- Blocking of DNS address by browser cookies.
- Some specific software installed in the system that blocks the DNS address.
- Some of the methods of troubleshooting this error are discussed in detail.
Clearing cookies of Google Chrome Browser
Cookies are pieces of information retained by a web browser from the various websites it comes in contact with. These cookies help the browser to avoid requesting the same information repeatedly and help in accessing the website more efficiently. These cookies, however, can prevent the browser in accessing the DNS server. The following steps will help you to clear the cookies.
Open the Google Chrome browser.
Click on the button on the top right corner.
Select “Settings ” and scroll down to find “ Show Advanced Settings”
Now you go the ‘Privacy’ section and click on the ‘Content settings’ button.
Select the “All cookies and site data...” button.
You will find a list of all cookies that are saved by the browser.

Click on the “Remove all” button to remove all cookies.
Check proxy settings
Check if there is no proxy address added to the browser. This might prevent you to access certain websites.
Open the Google Chrome browser.
Click on the button on the top right corner.
Select “Settings ” and scroll down to find “ Show Advanced Settings”
From the network section select “Change proxy settings”.
Check if there is any proxy address added to your network. If yes, then remove the proxy.
DNS Resolution
The IP address of the DNS address should be specified in the network. Usually, the option is set to “automatic configuration” and the network automatically sets the DNS server. But, sometimes, the network is not able to access the DNS server. In that case, the IP address of the DNS server has to be manually configured. The following steps have to be followed to set the DNS IP address manually.
Select the type of network that you are using (Wireless or Wired).
From the Ipv4 setting, select the DNS option.
If the DNS is set to automatic, select the option to set the DNS manually.
Set the DNS IP to “” or “” that is the Google public DNS servers IPs.
(Note: The procedure to set DNS manually differs in different operating systems. Please set the DNS accordingly)