How to register a domain name with DNS service?
Publisher: Psychz Networks, June 26,2020The following steps will guide you how to register your domain name with our DNS Service.
- Step 1: Go to DNS option
- Step 2: Go to Manage Domains
- Step 3. Select DNS Device
- Step 4. Add Domain
- Step 5. Choosing DNS Type
Step 1: Go to DNS option
On the left hand side you will find the menu bar. Click on Tools followed by DNS. This should take you to DNS management option where you Add Domain, Create, Update, Delete DNS records for domains.
Step 2: Go to Manage Domains
Here you will find list of Domains that you have added to your Dashboard. Click on Add Domains to add a new domain to choice of your device.
Step 3. Select DNS Device
From the dropdown menu, please choose the device that you wish to use domain for.
Step 4. Add Domain
Under this section you need to provide the domain name of your origin server. Now you can choose the domain from your existing domains from the dropdown list. If you want to add a new domain, click on "Add" and enter the domain name. Click on Next to proceed further.
(Note: Your domain should not contain http, https, or www)
Step 5. Choosing DNS Type
Under this section you choose the DNS type you wish to use for your domain.
You can choose from the following options
Option 2. Use Psychz's Name Server
If you choose this option, you will be provided with the nameservers which you need to copy and update them in your domain details using your account on your domain registrar website.
Click "Finish" button to complete the process.
Note: DNS update can take up to24 hours to globally propagate.
Option 2. Register Private Name Servers
You need to provide the private name servers you wish to register under this option. Along with the text field, you will see IP address next to it which you need to use to register the nameserver at your domain registrar website.
Note: Update the name servers fields to your private name servers.
Click "Finish" button to complete the process.