Psychz - Mayra
Votes: 0 Posted On: Aug 17, 2018 05:31:26
You can go for a basic configuration of the dedicated server and choose to install a Windows server edition OS so you can access it using remote desktop. Choosing the basic setup will also be cost effective and give you results as per your expectations.
Use the following link to explore a wide range of hardware available from the live inventory of our various Data Center facilities . Use our advanced filters to narrow down your search based on the processor, memory, storage, port speed, etc.
You will be billed monthly depending on what hardware specifications you choose along with services. A charge additional nominal license fee for Windows Operating system.
By default, both Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2016 allow only a single Remote Desktop session, preventing multiple remote desktop connections. You can, however, choose to enable (or disable) multiple RDP sessions as needed by logging in to your server and run the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc).
To get a quote from our team specific to your requirement please visit
For further assistance please contact us on 800-933-1517 (US and Canada) and 626-549-2801(International). You can also write to us at