Psychz - Kamal
Votes: 0 Posted On: Jul 22, 2019 06:58:48
As a part of our Colocation service, we shall be providing you the PDUs. We have a standard type of PDUs that we provide to all our customers. In case you are specifically looking for a type of PDU then you may have to check with our sales team and they shall guide you if it can be made available or you need to procure it on your own. Our PDUs are capable of remote reboots. We also have our remote hand's team standing by for you in case you need any power shutdown or reboot request related to your cabinet.
You can install a third-party tool called Nagios which is widely used and quite popular for server health monitoring purpose. It is an open-source application that focuses on system monitoring, protocol monitoring, application monitoring, database monitoring, log monitoring and bandwidth monitoring among others.
For colocation service, we provide a dashboard from where you can observe and monitor key features of your servers like bandwidth usage, power On/Off of the server, other hardware details of the server. On the other hand, you will also have our dedicated support team available 24/7 monitoring your hardware for you. Our dedicated support team has earned many accolades for their constant dedication towards helping customers with every problem they face and ensure seamless service. To know more about our Colocation service and features offered, please visit
If you have furthermore queries, please write to us at