Psychz - Amol
Votes: 0 Posted On: Jan 03, 2018 11:03:00
Creating a website in cPanel is fairly easy. You can either create a file on your computer and then upload it to your cPanel account or you can create a file in the cPanel itself.
If you are familiar with web programming, you can use the cPanel's file manager to easily create a website. Otherwise, you can take the help of tools such as WordPress by installing it into the cPanel.
Here are the steps that will guide you in creating a website through cPanel.
1. The first step is logging in to your cPanel account. For logging in, you should use the username and password provided by your Web hosting provider. All you have to do is open your browser and type the following
(Here '' is actually your registered site address. )
2. Once you have logged in to the cPanel, there is a "File Manager" icon displayed on the main page. Click on the "File Manager" icon. You can select "web root" as your desired location as it is used for website storage.
3. Once you click on the "File Manager" icon, the "New File" icon will be displayed. Click on it to create your web page. Name the file as "index" or "default" as the host recognizes "index.php" or "default.html" as the website's front pages.
4. The final step is saving the file. You can also add more files later as per your website.