Psychz - Omkar
Votes: 0Posted On: Sep 03, 2019 11:21:22
NoSQL databases are becoming highly popular today because of the increasing demand for a flexible database in which the data can be modified with ease. It has a completely contrasting structure as compared to the Relational database where the later struggled to cope with the scale and dynamic structure of the modern applications. To read more about how NoSQL is different compared to SQL databases, please visit Cross-reference
Today, there are many popular NoSQL databases available in the market like Redis, Cassandra, Hbase, etc. of which MongoDB is the most popular due to being extremely easy to use and operate. This reduces a lot of efforts on the developers' side as they do not require additional Database administrators. MongoDB is suitable for scenarios with high write loads and Big Data volumes. It is also very convenient to use early in the development phase when a schema has not been fully established. It is also an open-source NoSQL database which is document-oriented.
Following are some of the features of MongoDB
- Offers high performance
- Supports database sharding
- Equipped with automatic load balancing
- Easy to administer in the case of failures
- Supports Master-Slave replication
- Data is stored in the form of JSON style documents
- Use of regular expression searches
If you are new to NoSQL and looking for an easy-to-use database, then MongoDB is the best option for you. You can easily find a lot of help and documentation online which can support you in developing and deploying a database as per your requirement.