Psychz - Hieu
Votes: 0Posted On: Aug 17, 2017 01:43:13
We have two data center locations in Europe- London and Amsterdam. The pricing of dedicated server hosting in both these locations may vary due to change in location and other factors. The specification of the cheapest dedicated server that we offer is given below.
1TB SATA-3 Hard Disk
CentOS 6 Latest Stable
10TB Bandwidth
/29 - 5 IPs
1 Gbps Port speed
Traffic Diversion Method (Trigger Based)
2Gbps / 750K PPS DDos protection
Dedicated Server -Unmanaged
However, the specs can be altered as per your requirement. Please get a quote from our team to get the best deals
Please visit the following link to view all the exciting offers we are currently providing
To check the available dedicated server options as per your location requirement, please use our live inventory using our advanced filter option you can narrow down your search based on location, memory, processor, etc. Use the following link
You can also get in touch with our sales team who can help you to choose the right service that suits your requirement. Please write to us at or call 1-800-933-1517.