Psychz - Girish
Votes: 0Posted On: Sep 29, 2017 01:36:40
Before digging into the configuration of static address on CentOS 7, let us first have a brief discussion on static and dynamic IP address.
Static IP address - Static IP address is assigned by the ISP and does not change even at system shutdown. The static IP address is provided to the systems that need to have a single IP address so that the users can reach it, for instance, web hosting servers.
Dynamic IP address - In contrast, the dynamic IP address changes everytime the system is rebooted. With the help of DHCP, the devices are provided the IP addresses automatically. The DHCP server maintains a pool of IP addresses and provides the IP addresses automatically to every DHCP-clint as it enters the network.
Please refer to the following article to configure the static IP address on CentOS operating system.