Psychz - Kyle
Votes: 0Posted On: Mar 28, 2019 06:41:35
Psychz Networks is known to offers top quality infrastructure at affordable prices along with great support and customer service. We offer a wide range of dedicated servers with managed services and allow you to customize and have the freedom to choose your server that fits into your budget and configure.
Our live inventory checker can help you to customize and derive your server with merely few number of clicks.
To give it a try, please click on the following link[]=7391&cpuCores=&OrderServiceSearch[location]=&OrderServiceSearch[location][]=LAX
If you follow the link given above, you will see that the pricing of a server depends a lot on what type of services and configuration you choose for the server. For example, if you can manage your server then you can go for our "Self-managed" program where you do not have to pay an additional fee towards support.
Linux operating systems are relatively lighter compared to Windows and does well with merely 4GB ram. However, since you are looking for a server that can be used for development purpose, you might want to install several third party software and tools that will be used for development purposes. Hence, our strong recommendation to you is to go for a server with following configuration
RAM - 16 GB
Processor - E3-1230 V3
Hard Drive - 1TB
The above configuration should give you the desired output while using it for development purpose.
In case you need more information on the configuration and pricing of the server, please write to our sales team at