Psychz - Ricky
Votes: 0Posted On: May 23, 2017 00:38:08
This is one of the most arguable topics among the IT infrastructure team. To or not to go for a “Cloud Server” or “Dedicated Server”. Most of the discussions on the net end up making “Cloud Server” the hero. But, we’ll take you through some real comparison between the two technologies.
With a cloud server you can increase or decrease resources like computing cores, RAM, and storage, as per your requirement. With a cloud you have unlimited resources at your disposal. A dedicated server is its own collection of hardware. Hence scaling of resources is a bit difficult and time consuming task.
To ensure zero downtime, Cloud Servers works on multiple nodes where in case of a failed node is taken over by a working node ensuring network uptime for your applications. This is not the case with Dedicated Servers. There is always a risk of downtime hardware failures.
With cloud server, you have limited control as per the plans provided by your service provider. A dedicated server offers complete control over the server. You can add applications, programs and performance enhancing measures to your machine.
With cloud server you can pay as you go. It has hourly resource-based billing that means you pay only for resource that you consume. Dedicated servers are generally billed monthly and you pay a consistent amount irrespective of how much server and resources you actually use.
To your second question "Which offers more control and low pricing in case of 10-20 servers" your selection of a server largely depends upon your nature of business. A cloud server is recommended if you are running an e-commerce websites which can have sudden rise in demand.
But, if you are aiming for high performance with full control and cost effective, then dedicated servers are just the right thing for you.