Psychz - Dhanraj
Votes: 0Posted On: Aug 17, 2017 04:16:43
We have got a variety of servers that you can buy at affordable prices. Since your main concern is storage capacity, you can choose up to four storage devices. We offer both SSD as well as SATA-3 storage devices. You can opt for 2 TB each for each of the storage devices. Please get a quote from our team specific to your requirement and we will get back to you with the best offer.
You can also opt for our highly efficient back solutions by utilizing R1Soft CDP solutions.Your backup is stored in a remote location through our network to a disk-based storage. This allows easy synchronization of backup and swift data recovery. Quick Restore, Continuous Backup and Data Encryption are only some of the features among many that we offer in our backup solutions. Just visit the following link and choose the package that is best suited for you.
We can also provide you with a package matching your business needs. Just get a quote from our sales team by mentioning your requirement.