sBlock - Snapshots Intro
Publisher: Psychz Networks, May 13,2024Snapshots in Block Storage are a crucial tool for data backup, recovery, protection, and migration. They offer a simple, secure, and cost-effective solution for managing your data. Essentially, they provide a read-only image that captures the state of the volume at a specific moment.
The importance of snapshots lies in their role in data protection and management. You can choose the Block Storage size, ranging from 10 GB standard to a maximum of 4TB Premium. Additionally, you have the flexibility to select Quality of Service based on your requirements (Cost Efficient, Balanced Performance, High-Performance). The feature also allows you to determine the number of Snapshots you want to retain and set a size limit for each Snapshot. Lastly, you can automate snapshot capturing by opting for Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Scheduling.
Important note: If you order three or more snapshots weekly, the system will automatically delete the oldest snapshots. The system will also delete snapshots if usage exceeds the allocated space. To modify service, you need to get in touch with our sales team at