How to check DNS status?
Publisher: Psychz Networks, January 31,2018With our CDN network, you will be able to manage multiple domains. Once your account is activated, you will be provided with a CDN device which you can access on our client portal. All the domains you have created will be displayed on the "Domains" page. In the "Domains" page, the DNS status of the domain will be displayed along with IP address, Port No., Service No. and Device Number.
You can follow the below path to check the DNS status
CDN Main Page > Manage Domains
Here are the steps to access and manage your CDN device and check the DNS status of each domain.
1. You can access CDN main page by clicking on the following link.
(NOTE: You will be needed to enter Username and Password to access this link)
2. Click on the "Manage Domain" button on the CDN homepage.
3. The "Manage Domain" page contains a list of all the domains that your device is associated with. You can also see the domain's basic info like IP address, port number etc. You can click on the "Manage" button on the right-side of the domain to make changes to that domain.
The DNS status is displayed with the domain in the same row. Here is a sample displaying all the domains with their DNS status.