On 18th April 2018, an anti-trust trial was held in the federal court concerning the merger of AT&T and Time Warner. The 85 billion dollar merger raised some eyebrows as it was viewed by the Justice Department as a step that would lead to rise in prices for customers and inhibit innovation. [....]
A mail server, also known as e-mail server is a machine within your network that is responsible for handling all the incoming and outgoing emails. So in short, it acts like a virtual post office. This server stores all the emails for local users as well as have set of defined rules on [....]
Monitoring the health and uptime of your server is very important. You have to ensure that your server is running fine so that the users connected to it does not experience any downtime. Hence it is wise to have a monitoring tool to keep a watch on your server all the time for you.
Followi [....]
Before diving into the concepts of Global Server Load Balancing, let us first discuss in brief the importance of load balancing. Load balancers are required to distribute the data traffic between multiple servers. Suppose you have a server with a website hosted on it. As the website gains popular [....]

我們都必須在某個時刻被稱為在線視頻學習的東西。無論是如何安裝軟件或如何使用Pho [....]
對於任何企業成長,有一個強大的,有效的會計解決方案變得非常關鍵。大多數會計軟件包都提供類似的功能就像應收賬款,應付賬款,總賬,帳單和發票等。然而,頂部會計系統有更多的提供諸如 [....]