How to Purge Cache
Publisher: Psychz Networks, January 30,2018This article will focus on a very important feature of CDN cache, the Purge feature. The cached data on the CDN server can be purged when it is no longer accessed frequently.
You can follow the below path to access the Purge page.
CDN Main Page > Manage Domain > Performance > Cache > Purge
The Cache Purge option is used to purge the cache you have stored in your CDN nodes. You can purge all the cache, purge by specific file extensions, mention the files to purge or even specify a path to purge the data. The Cache Purge page contains a drop-down menu with multiple options you can choose from.
The options are -
Purge All - Use this option to purge all the CDN content.
Purge File - Use this option to purge a specific file.For example document.xls
Purge Extension - You can specify a file extension that will purge all the files with the specified extension. For example JPG, JPEG, PNG, SVG, etc.
Purge Path - You can specify a path to purge the CDN files. All the files in the specified path will be purged. For example