Contacts - Manage
Publisher: Psychz Networks, September 18,2017This article will help you in managing your contacts and grant permissions to them. Please click on the following link to view all your contacts
This field contains following fields.
# Title- This field displays different groups that can be assigned to the users so that the users related to similar tasks can become part of the same group.
# Name - This field displays the name of the users.
# Phone - Contact information of the user
# Email - Email id of the user.
# Action - The Action field contains the following functions.
1. Edit - Click on the "Edit" button to alter the information of the contacts.
2. Deactivate - Click on the "Deactivate" button to disable the user.
3. Permission - Click on the "Permission" button to assign permission to the users. When you click on the Permission button, a page will open displaying two visible boxes, one containing all the available permissions and other box containing assigned permissions. Use the arrow keys to move the permissions from one box to another.
Create Contact
The "Create Contacts" button is used to create a new contact. Please fill in the basic information of the contacts (Name, Title, Phone, Language etc.). You can also create the contact's user id and password.