Psychz เครือข่ายการป้องกันการละเมิดและการตัดสแปมเกือบ 100%
- Category: บริษัท
- Author: Admin
- Publisher:
Psychz Networks
- August 26,2015

The rigorous set of anti-abuse standards implemented several years ago by Psychz Networks, one of the nation’s largest Tier4 providers and a leader in DDoS prevention and mitigation, has now been shown to be nearly 100% effective at eliminating abuse and spam across the company’s network.
In recent years, internet service providers have been inundated with hacking attempts and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, and plagued by offenders trying to abuse their networks by sending out millions of spam emails and hosting illegal content. Major providers like Psychz Networks, which hosts more than 600,000 individual IP addresses at its datacenters in Dallas and Los Angeles, are prime targets for these attacks.
Several years ago, in a concerted effort to combat these unethical and illegal activities, Psychz Networks invested major financial and human resources into a technologically-advanced, zero-tolerance abuse policy. And recent checks of the authoritative Spamhaus Block List (SBL), the real-time worldwide compilation of internet addresses involved in spamming, show that none of Psychz Networks’ 600,000 IP addresses are associated with any spam activities. Psychz believes these numbers, showing the complete elimination of outgoing spam across its entire network over the past several years of implementing its new policy, validate the unprecedented effectiveness of its approach to securing its network.
The Psychz Networks zero-tolerance policy begins with client monitoring. The company utilizes advanced pattern analysis to track the activities of all users on the network, and determine which of those users pose a high risk of abusing network resources. A proactive approach to automated and manual monitoring and enforcement prevents any abuse by those users’ IPs, and ensures a clean history for Psychz Networks on the SBL. Psychz also works with blacklist providers other than Spamhaus, including SORBS and UCEPROTECT, to fully block spam abuse throughout the network.
Similar manual and automated monitoring works to prevent the use of Psychz Networks resources by hackers, who may try to access or attack other computers across the Internet by taking advantage of exploited systems. The 24/7 use of NetFlow monitoring identifies and quantifies the use of bandwidth by various IPs on the network, immediately alerting system administrators to large surges in resource usage which signal likely abuse of the system. As soon as attempted outbound abuse or attacks are detected, the IPs involved are automatically nulled to prevent any attacks from succeeding.
A team of Psychz Networks employees is specifically assigned to maintain the integrity and legality of network operations. All network activities are monitored within accepted privacy standards, to prevent the hosting of any content which violates US laws. This team is also responsible for responding within hours to all cases of abuse reported to the company’s dedicated address, and responsible for resolving all legitimate DMCA requests for takedown of illegally posted copyrighted content within one day of the request’s receipt.
For all incidents of spam, outbound attacks, illegal content or other types of network abuse, the Psychz Networks zero-tolerance policy dictates swift action against abusers, with the accounts of repeat offenders immediately terminated.
The same diligence has been applied in recent years by Psychz to monitor inbound traffic to the network, in order to provide clients with full security for their online operations. Psychz Networks DDoS protection services have been proven to provide complete protection against attacks, allowing the company to guarantee 99.99% network availability to SLA clients. Psychz Networks also constantly scans and monitors incoming network traffic for hacking attempts or illegal activities directed against the network, detecting problem IPs or IP ranges and blocking them completely within hours of an apparent attack.
Psychz Networks has issued a standing offer of assistance to other network providers or clients who are interested in learning how to better protect their network or remote operations, with a goal of preventing abuse and spam throughout the nation’s Internet infrastructure.